Measuring the unconscious mind People are unaware of much of the knowledge they possess, making it hard for psychologists to study this knowledge. We need ways to investigate the unconscious mind, and perhaps making use of people’s greediness is one of the ways to do this. Roy de Kleijn • March 12, 2013
Women in high places Having more women in top positions does not as a matter of fact improve career opportunities for other women. On the contrary, successful women who display 'modern sexism' to cope with a masculine work environment can undermine the ambitions of other women Naomi Ellemers • March 07, 2013
Perceptions of pseudovoice Since last week citizens in the Netherlands can start a referendum on any issue that matters to them. However, the outcome can easily be ignored by the government. This is an example of ‘pseudovoice’, and therefore mostly ineffective. Gerdien de Vries • March 04, 2013
Ski accidents and random sampling “Dutch wounded through skiing: a remarkable increase of 14 percent” writes the The Dutch newspaper NRC. Is this really a noticeable increase or just random sampling? A quick statistical procedure provides the answer. Mark de Rooij • February 27, 2013
The pregnant brain: good or bad? Are pregnancy hormones detrimental to cognitive capacities, or do they make the brain resilient to stress and increase memory performance? Jiska Peper • February 25, 2013
Towards a new publication model in psychology The quality of psychological research as currently published in academic journals is questionable because of possible 'data dredging'. It is time for psychologists to decide on a new publication model that would certainly alleviate this problem. Mark de Rooij • February 19, 2013
Alcohol and adolescents: why do teens drink? Recently the Dutch government proposed to raise the legal drinking age from 16 to 18. High levels of alcohol use in adolescence are related to alcohol dependence later in life. Recent research shows that also pubertal hormones play a role. Barbara Braams • February 18, 2013
Carnival Carnival: three days for everybody to go crazy in large groups and silly costumes and indulge, before Lent starts. What are the effects of dressing up and gathering in large groups? This is where social psychology comes in. Marijke van Putten • February 11, 2013
How to be successful? How can we become more successful? How can we achieve more in our jobs? And how do we become more efficient in our daily lives? These are central questions, especially in professional life. But what is success? Marijke van Putten • February 02, 2013